Events Management


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On Ground Events

Spaces MNL offers assistance in conducting on-ground events, where clients and guests may attend in a traditional setting. We help coordinate the schedule of the venues as well as the conceptualization and actual design of the place. For the past years, we have accommodated formal events, family days, sports events, corporate events, concerts, and themed learning events.

Online Events

Since the pandemic started, Spaces MNL found a way to assist its clients in conducting their events, but in a different mode. We maximize the use of technology and manage events through online platforms to provide convenience to our clients. Included in this service is the option to have the event live-broadcasted on our social media platforms

Hybrid Events

This service is suitable for clients who want to conduct events face-to-face and, at the same time, reach an audience who cannot participate in person. Spaces MNL offers this service where the event can be executed ground and online. With a team whose expertise focuses on coordination, event management, and technical support, we can offer assistance in both modes of event seamlessly.

Other Services

Social Media Campaigns

Using several social media platforms, such as Facebook, X, and YouTube, Spaces MNL assists in publicizing the details of the events and programs spearheaded by the clients. We aim to promote their advocacy, may it be on mental health awareness, LGBTQIA+ rights, equality, or any progressive movement. Consequently, we market the purpose of these events to the general public and persuade them to participate and contribute to their productivity.

Hospitality Installations

Aside from providing technical support to events, Spaces MNL assists on the creative side. We build activation booths, magazine booths, photo walls, and arches to enhance the aesthetic view of the venue. We make sure that the details included in these decorations match the purpose of the event and are built of high quality. Combined with this service, we also prepare food and drinks for our guests, as well as accommodations, as may be requested by the clients.


Spaces MNL has expanded its services to produce merchandise and giveaways to create branding for event guests. From banners, t-shirts, caps, and pens, we can ensure the high quality of the materials used in manufacturing these items.

Technical Equipment Rentals

Spaces MNL offers rentals of technical equipment that includes lights and sounds, video, staging, and LED walls. These types of equipment can cater to up to 1,000 people or any large scale and are secured to provide guests with professional service. We also cater to clients who want to broadcast their events in real time through a live feed.


Coverage services encourage using technology to capture the moments shared by our clients. Spaces MNL helps support events by documenting the highlights of the programs. In doing so, we promote their cause and contribute to expanding their objective. Our Coverage services comprise same-day edits, photography, videography, post-event campaigns, and photo man.

What Our Clients Are Saying


"SPACES MNL has been an avenue of great support for our organization and the community that we cater."

- LoveYourself, Inc.